Which Member of the Endless Are You? Ooh and very topical as Neil and I were only talking about the Sandman and stuff like that recently.
Well first week back at work finished. I've now done a day in thecash office. The work is really quiet ok. Am suprised as i'm not known for liking numbers or anything to do with maths!
Neils out for the evening at a talk about Rauks (sp) Drift. An early birthday present from his dad. I also have his presents but hes got to wait a week till his birthday to have them. Looking forward to the 22nd as its his birthday and our first aniversary of geting togther as a couple.
I've eaten salad and then chocolate fingers because I can!. I'm also drinking beer. A good evening for me. I'm off to watch my currently favourite tv series and then crawl into bed. Oh and I'm lovely and warm as we've started putting the heating on a couple of times a day as its nearly winter now. I suspect that most of the last paragraph noone will care about but me but in particular after reading the pagga thread about ljs a while ago I'm writing what i want because I feel like it and because I can.