DCBB 2012 Art Master post

Oct 01, 2012 14:16

Title: Thursday's Child Has Far to Go
Challenge:  deancasbigbang
Author: pinkyapples
Fandom/Genre:  Supernatural, general fiction
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel (pre-slash, Friendship)
Rating:  PG-13
Word Count:  42,0594
Warnings: Language, Hell memories and violence.
Summary:  Sam is battling his hallucinations. Dean is battling Dick Roman. Castiel is suffering amnesia. A hunt leads to unexpected revelations and reunions and the threat of a heavenly trial. It's all part of God's Plan B - what, you all thought God had left the building?
PDF:  @Mediafire

Author's Note:  My first DCBB, yay :3  It was a pleasure working with the lovely pinkyapples!  And thank you to my friends and huggers for the support and suggestions, as always!

bangs, dcbb, dean winchester, my art, castiel

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