Friday Five

Feb 09, 2007 07:56


The Colors in the Wheel

1. If you were a crayon, which color would you want to be?

blue green
Because some days I feel a bit bluer than other days but I never feel quite thoroughly blue enough to stick with it for ever.

2. Which color do you think you would be regardless of what you wanted?

3. Would you rather be used and get blunt, broken and lose your wrapper, or not be used and stay pristine?

Tough question. I could remain perfect, but unloved, while other crayons around me are being played with. Or, I could be loved, and used all the time and tossed away quickly when no longer useful.

Damn. Who knew it would be so depressing to be a crayon? I'd rather be the crayon that gets lost under the bed.

4. Would you rather be in a small set of crayons or a large set?

Large set. That way I could get lost in the crowd and avoid the fates in the above question.

5. Would you rather be Crayola, or a different brand?

Crayola. I've always wanted to belong to the popular crowd.

friday five

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