Mar 08, 2010 23:05
I must confess that I sometimes fear I'm spending too much time writing/reading fanfic, when I have original fiction to take care of... Oh, but I can't resist it! Everytime I almost believe that the fanfic muse has deserted me, I get a new comment on a fic and it works like a promt...
Honestly, I never knew I would be doing this. I totally blame Angela, Noah and the umbrella. I just had to try to write the story of their secret, never consumated love-affair... I thought that would be all. It wasn't. As soon as I was done, or almost, I knew there had to be more, and I knew that I had to write at least one Angela/Heidi fic - it was just that I started with Angela/Ishi instead... One story lead to another.
And now? I've edited my profile and the intro post, and I've re-organized the tags so that they are more useful... Who could have guessed that I need "series" tags? (On second thought, maybe that's not surprising...) I've decided, lacking better ideas, that I'll tag all related Angela/Noah fics as Years of Longing, and all related M3 fics as More Than Friends. (Both titles are kind of lame. Give me something better?) And yes, some day I'll continue A Bennetrelli Christmas.
Yeah, and who would have thought that I need "slash" and "het" tags before this?! But I think that's a good thing. I think I was getting stuck in old habits. Me being a lesbian, that doesn't mean that I have to write about older powerful women seducing younger ones... I won't stop doing that, though, but I really like writing Angela/Noah and Molly, Matt and Mohinder! Yeah, the latter feels surprising (not that I haven't always known that M/M=OTP) but it's nice.
So, maybe it's okay, then? As long as I'm writing something, I'm still good? I hope so...
!journal | writing,
*fandom: heroes