Further book ponderings.

Apr 03, 2007 03:32

Since it was attached at the end of a big whiny post, I'm gonna restate my idea and expand upon it here.

I'm thinking about bookmarking (using del.icio.us) every book I'm reading and probably the reviews I write about them. The links to the books would probably go direct to their amazon page. It seems like an easy way to get more information and I think a majority of us use amazon for online shopping purposes. (I know, we're not all in the US, I'm not sure how to solve that problem)

This is step one.

The tagging would include things like author and such and some esoteric information like perhaps page numbers.

I'd also set up an LJ syndicated feed based on the rss the page generates.

WHY one might ask?

Because I like lists and organization and a single place to go when I'm looking for new authors/books to read.

Step two is to add on other people. A little bit like ultimateficarchiver over on delicious.

Every reader would have their own tag so a person could go over and look at a specific person's reading list. Or a series of reviews on an author, or a book, or a series.

As for the syndicated feeds on LJ after the expansion, you can create feeds based on any tag you like. So if you just want a certain reader's book list, it's easy to get just that reader.

So. Who's interested? Who has ideas? Who wants to join in?

books, books: project

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