Hmm. SGA

Feb 16, 2007 15:01

So I've got the sci fi channel marathon on in the background and

The thing that really, really bothered me about this episode was that Old!Elizabeth spoke to young!Elizabeth as if she had lived a whole lifetime and had this lifetime of 'advice' to pull from.

She was EXACTLY the same as young!Elizabeth, but with more wrinkles. Okay maybe she stuck around Atlantis for a few weeks while they organized the evacuation. She's only OLD because the stasis is imperfect and over the course of 10,000 years she aged, just very slowly.

So yeah. The episode loses something for me when Elizabeth starts coming down as the reasoned voice of aged wisdom. Because she's not. She may be smart and intelligent and have very good insight into people (at least that's what she's supposed to have) and probably more so into herself, but old!Elizabeth is not actually older or wiser than young!Elizabeth.

/end rant

sga: wtf

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