Dreamhost, will you marry me?

Feb 15, 2006 14:17

Okay, so I just got off the pending side of dreamhost and am just awaiting the propogating of the new DNS etc before I move my main domain over and start the transfer and reconstruction of email boxes and the like.

So fellow dreamhosters, I'm here asking for your hard won tips and tricks.

Anything you think I should be aware of, something that took you forever to finagle and wish someone could have just told you? Willing to tell me?

Here's a started, on my old server I had to upload to /public_html/ to get the webpage to be seen on the site. I persued the ftp, I am assuming it goes into the folder named after the particular domain I'm updating? Anything special I should be aware of. Is this one of those hosts that demands the index page be .html and .html only?

EDIT: OMG someone tell me how to discern my email username. Because what it's telling me just looks impossibly complicated.

That being said, anyone here willing to redesign my site? I'm looking for readablity and ease of update. Templates for all!

*winces* I know I promised something to the person who last helped. *eeps*. Are you still there?


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