Not entirely convinced.

May 19, 2009 19:53

12:35 Aino
Nyt oon itestäni huolissani. Yritän soveltaa Ameriikan Yhdysvaltojen poliittisia lausuntoja ihmissuhteisiini.

12:36 Paula

12:36 Aino
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," Rahm Emanuel, Mr. Obama's new chief of staff, told a Wall Street Journal conference of top corporate chief executives this week. He elaborated: "Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before."

12:36 Aino
Ei sillä oo mitään tekemistä talouden kanssa. Rahm yrittää vaan tsempata mua. :D

12:38 Paula
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