[sj/hyukjae/sungmin] reasoning post

Oct 30, 2009 23:52

50 reasons why you should love HyukMin
aka HyukMin spam of pictures from hyukminaday
aka Why does HyukMin exist -in amine87 's opinion?

-pictures are uploaded by
inny_cent and amine87 \o/ please do not hotlink-

1. Hyukjae stole Sungmin's first kiss.

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9. Min glares at Hyuk whenever Hyuk smex himself up.

10. If Min is not happy, Hyukjae can help him though~

11. They are smex. Nuff said.

12. and kinda lost!kids in the airport.

13. Why else SJH is formed? To give HyukMin moments yo.

14. SJH = approved.

15. Min proposed Hyuk in the past.

16. Shindong the priest has acknowledge their marriage.

17. The wedding band does exist.

18. And they are trying to live happily ever after.

19. HyukMin is just love♥

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20. Min is a ~good~ wifey, he obeys Hyuk.

21. Sometimes Hyuk is bullied, but it just shows how much Min loves him :D

22. And when Hyuk makes him jealous, he doesn't want to be left out.

23. Min is the one Hyuk trusts in, although (perhaps, sometimes) he fails his trust.

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24. Hyuk makes Min smile :)

25. and another wider smile :D

26. and some cuddling :3

27. Of course, again, being a good partner in life, Min agrees to whatever Hyukjae says.

28. Yes, he DOES.

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Sungmin: "I want to play at the beach"
Eunhyuk: "This summer-"
Sungmin: "I want to play at the beach"
Eunhyuk: "This summer-"
Sungmin: "I want to play at the beach"
Eunhyuk: "This summer I-"
Sungmin: "Want to play together at the beach"
Eunhyuk: "I MUST make a snowman!!"

29. HyukMin is hot, y/y?

30. They shower together.

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31. HyukMin is innocent as well ^^ Adonis Camp was created to prepare for marriage aka kitchen life :)

32. Min is there when Hyukjae needs him. (OMG that smile)

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33. Min feeds Hyuk :3

34. Min clings at Hyuk and he just won't stop.

35. They are just... crazy.

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36. On the other hand, Min never complains although Hyuk sometimes disappoints him :(

37. Wonder Boys :)

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38. Some abs please?

39. Whenever Hyuk needs a protection, Min is there~

40. So PLEASE please please,

41. ... stop the abuse.

42. Or Min would kick Hyuk's ass face.

43. Cos he is possessive much.

44. cha-cha-cha~

45. It is not called a molestation~

46. Hyukjae likes it.

47. /random/ but why do I like this picture -with Ming's height and all? 8D

48. KyuMin is divorced. Kyuhyun is having an affair with Donghae in China.

49. EunHae is divorced too. Donghae is having an affair with Kyuhyun in China.

50. Final and foremost reason:

Hyukjae chooses Sungmin to save his life.

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Conclusion: Sungmin agrees.

All arguments are invalid, thank you.

Fanfics Reccomendation

& Trinity 1 2 - HyukHaeMin, binkikitty , PG-13, angst/romance
Donghae learns to accept Sungmin in Hyukjae's relationship. One of the best fics I've ever read in the whole fandom.

“We made a mistake.” He struggles to choose the right words. “I made a mistake. I should have never let this happen. Things like this can’t ever work unless everyone’s open to the idea.” The glass in front of his mouth clouds with steam. “We forced Donghae into this. That’s why I’m leaving.”

Hyukjae makes a noise beside him, although Sungmin can’t tell if he’s agreeing or disagreeing. “He needs you, Hyukjae.”

“Oh, so you don’t need me?”

Sungmin sighs and uses the tip of his index finger to trace patterns onto the steamed glass. “I love you. I need you more than anything. But I know I can come out of this okay. Donghae can’t. He isn’t ready to stand on his own.”

“But you are?”

“Hyukjae,” finally, he pulls his hand from the warm one holding him in place and lets it dangle at his side while he leans his forehead against the window, shutting his eyes to the light trying to brighten his face. “I’ve been standing on my own from the very beginning.”

& Dreams - sugarfrosting , HyukHaeMin, R, psycho/angst
One fic that encourages me to write this OT3. Everything is dark, dark, dark, in Sungmin's life; Hyukjae needs to pull through this.

I’m sorry, Sungmin replies, dutifully, not because he really is -the taste of copper still on his tongue, the dark thrill still coursing through his veins, threatening to reawaken his interest- but because he knows it’s what Hyukjae wants to hear. Hyukjae smiles into his skin, presses a kiss, feather-light, to his shoulder, It’s okay, I’m okay.

Not even Hyukjae suspects a thing until two months later, until they drag Sungmin, eyes strangely vacant but still laughing, laughing and laughing and laughing and bleeding from the self-inflicted wounds on his arms, away from the house, away from them, away into a room with white walls and white curtains and fitful, vivid dreams.

& Rainy Days and Mondays - withcoffee , HyukMin/ShinMin, PG, vague angst
Another angsty, not-so-dark fics. It is easy to talk with Hyukjae, but Sungmin knows Hyukjae is not his alone. Simple plot yet it is amazing to read.

Sungmin reflects that he’s always looking at Hyukjae’s back. The thought wears him out.

& And Behind The Mask -
halcyon_morn , HyukMin, R, angst

When Sungmin finally spoke, though, the words had come out quiet and thoughtful and he had looked straight into Eunhyuk's eyes when he said, "I think if I were a girl, I would be in love with you." Eunhyuk had laughed, hadn't been able to help it, and had said, "If you were a girl, I wouldn't be in love with you."

Any fanfics reccommendation are welcomed as seriously, I cannot find more HyukMin fics out there. Do I miss a lot?
Two of these fics are in the must-read fics in my memories ♥

fandom: super junior, sungmin why i never tagged you before, hyukjae is just one beat away, sharing: pics, this entry is public, lj: inny

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