[sj/kyuhyun/sungmin] appreciation post

Sep 16, 2009 13:47

This entry will be updated... along time =/

Super Junior is a 13-member (or 15-member) Korean Pop Band debuting in 2005. With any combination available between the thirteen members, KyuMin is just one of the endless pairings; this pairing consists of Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin (the last and the seventh in line, respectively).

♫ cho kyuhyun: the magnae

Cho Kyuhyun (조규현)
DOB: February 3, 1988
Height: 180 cm (5'11")
Blood Type: A

He is a singer. Super Junior might be an entertainer in a whole, but I believe Cho Kyuhyun is a singer, and forever he will. He sings and he can sings.

He can sing in English and in Chinese (不让我的眼泪陪我过夜) and he is a part of KRY. Not to mention his studio-recorded solo/collaboration:
.Just For One Day (with CSJH The Grace)
.7 Years of Love
Basically, this is the summary. I also have a Kyuhyun's songs compilation ^^

He sings. He plays clarinet. He is handsome, cute, and he has adorable smile and infectious laugh. Although sometimes he looks bossy, he is still a human and fails sometime (even in photoshop).

April 19, 2007, four Super Junior members got into a car accident and Kyuhyun was one of the injured. 78 days later he was discharged and was able to express his gratitude. (It has been said that he was not that religious, but he was blessed).

On the other hand, reading Kyuhyun's UFO Replies, I feel that Kyuhyun loves his role being the magnae of the group.
ELF: SUPER JUNIOR are foolish~stupid~boys~ Childish JUNIOR~!!!
Kyunhyun: back at you

ELF: OPPA are foolish
Kyunhyun: Smarter than you

ELF: what is se*yback. Please explain!!!
Kyunhyun: Shouldn't be explained by me

♫ lee sungmin: the pink boy

Lee Sungmin (이성민)
DOB: January 1, 1986
Height: 175 cm (5'9")
Blood Type: A

Sungmin was my first love. Okay, his place was shaken a while back, but he regains the first place in my heart again. He is cute, cute, cute, cute, and cute. Even said to stimulate maternal instinct of noona fans. Hot. Smart. Caring. He appears to be a pretty girl too.
But don't be mistaken, he can be quite violent sometimes.

You Got It Bad was the first English song Sungmin sang that I've heard. Aside from the fact that he is not one of the KRY, he has an amazingly soothing voice. And tons more. These days he mentions about Akilla musical alot :) He plays guitar, guitar, and guitar.

Being one of the main dancers in the group, he dances as a boy (bboy YO.) or as a girl (that was an awesome imitation 8D).
Jack of all trades, I should say. Tossing pizza, dancing salsa, and more importantly, he does martial art and nunchucks, and just look at how flexible he is 8D

He loves pink hell alot, in addition to almost-pink scooter and pink guitar.

♫ One True Pairing
Two significant events which I believe play significant role in growing the KyuMin fanbase is Mini Drama and Love Family. Mini Drama starts it all... *still LOLing at how Sungmin picked Kyuhyun up in the first game* and the Dangerous Friendship. It is indespicable for Kyuhyun being the sneaky!magnae. (if you haven't watched this Mini Drama, you just have to see: 1 2 3 - they were so awkward and funny 8D)

Love Family (1 2) is basically married!KyuMin with children. One line summary: Sungmin makes an excellent mother, while Kyuhyun somehow looks awkward with children.

They sang together, but it wasn't a duet. Kyuhyun just accompanied and/or backing Sungmin up. But still, KyuMin!fangirling overflows with this song y/y?

As if not satisfied with the amount of fangirling, quoting Sungmin's interview: "When I'm studying red-wine, I'm with Kyuhyun." (IBT News, August 7, 2009).

While I'm sure this Sungmin's CYworld entry makes KyuMin fangirls squeal-

2009.05.26 Tuesday 03:51

tonight i drank wine..^^
with Kyuhyun, we opened one bottle of wine..^^
very happy ah~

-Kyuhyun is happily playing around-

Fan : Sungmin oppa, whenever I think about you I cant concentrate on studying
Kyu : Whenever Sungmin hyung thinks about me, he cant concentrate on doing anything either

-resulting in them posting similar entry at the same time
2009.06.23 화 02:40

Today..... I tried some ROGGIO DEL FILARE '04........
I took a sip and for one minute it left this tingling feeling on the tip of my nose......
I don't know much about wine yet but I want to recommend it to anyone..
It was a memorable, body-caputuring VINO... ^^

♫ Pictures

& Kissing scene #1 Smooth~~

& Kissing scene #2 with Kangin behind and Hyukjae at the side.

& Portrait *___*

& Side by side I believe Min was wearing heels there.

& Skinship yesh~

& This is such a perfect moment.

& Kyu molesting Min We want more \o/

& Blonde attack Don't Don is one of the best moment ever.

& Super Show #1 and gif

& Super Show #2 aka under the umbrella reminds me of rain~

& Skinship is never enough

& Hug This makes me notice of the clear difference in height --'

& Song Battle #1 where they practised together the previous night but it isn't fair that Kyuhyun won.

& Song Battle #2 where Kyuhyun was grateful (yea?)

& Favouritest selca picture seriously, they are very... intimate. Next to this.

& Kyu + flower + Min + priest = marriage.

& Look They looked very shy :(

& Parents This explains all~

& Happy family = Min + Kyu + kid = *O*

& Together. Forever.

& Sweet One of the latest fanservice before Kyu left, seriously, they're just very sweet.

& Secret whisperer The song is included below ^^

& Happy Min ;~;

& Macau photo session ... KyuMin page in BIC3?

& Notice how subtle his look is *_*

♫ Videos

& The unforgiven kissing scene where Kangin thought there was too much fanservice going on with Hyukjae recording by his phone.

& Marry U Mini Concert I almost thought Heechul told Kyuhyun to do something when he put his arms around Sungmin (0:24).

& Super Short Hug and I was wondering why is Heechul everywhere?

& Chunji radio when Kyuhyun called Sungmin and said something along the line of 'Saranghae'.

& Super Show; Dancing Out Sungmin literally jumped to Kyuhyun, made a pose, then left the magnae singing by himself.

& Super Show; YMCA I love the choreography and the heart :D

& KBS Roadshow very, very brief KyuMin. Basically Kyuhyun just walked pass and grabbed Sungmin by the waist (notice Siwon's reaction LOL).

♫ Fanfic

& Espial - kuhi , PG, AU/Slice of life
The first fanfic that makes me fall in love with this pairing (that I've reread countless times). It is an AU with singing!Kyuhyun and adventurous!Sungmin plus a dose of dream and hope.

& Smile 1 2 -
i_shiki , PG-13, AU
Sungmin gets Kyuhyun home and Kyuhyun thinks he is obsessed. A not-so-simple love story, spiced up with obsession, fear, and honesty.

& The Fine Art of Sel-Ca - todefinebeauty , PG, simply love
Sungmin is a fan of selca and keeps pictures of him and Kyuhyun hidden. Simply beautiful, of course alongside this picture that starts it all 8D

& Art IV Scene III: This is the real love story - meiface , PG-13, the art of confession in one prolonged scene
Touch me. The words say it all~

& Vox -
sapphira_angel , NC-17, phone sex
With SJM on the other end of the earth, it is a have-to-read these days.

& When Happiness Beckons -
little_bibelot , R, AU/drama/romance
Time flows. People change. Memories fade. One of the longest and favouritest KyuMin fic ever. A story of after college aka entering working adult life versus dream. Strong characterization and wonderful timeflow :)

& Eccentric Mind - kyuppuccino , R, AU/angst
If breaking up is hard, what is the hardest thing you'll ever face?
Huge angst (and some kind of fetish)... never let go.

& Of Lies And... - kyuppuccino , R
It was a bit hard to read at first, I always think Kyuhyun is a jealous type and completely agree with this fic. Jealousy and possessiveness.

& Holding on to the Moment (multi-chaptered) - hotarumyst , PG-13, AU/romance/angst
This is a fiction. I think diary is sometimes needed for us to pour our emotion, to let go of our thoughts, and to just scribble parts of your life on. Sweet, 8-chaptered fic where Kyuhyun was a diary but then a man.

& The Past, The Present (semi Sungmin/Jungmo) - thundersquall , PG-13
One of the rarest fic alive. Oppa Band is awesome and so is Jungmo 8D Jungmo was the past, Kyuhyun is the present, and Sungmin is in between.

& Spanish Guitar (multi-chaptered) - rasinah , R, AU
Beautiful words, smooth flow, and strong characterizations. It is based on Youngwoon's relationship with the two, where Sungmin is a player and Kyuhyun is another player. Hot and beautiful fic.

& Surprises - schm0use , PG, romance/fluff/slight!humor
It is visible that Kyuhyun isn't easily surprised with the whole band's... antique 8D Simple, sweet, fluffy story to read.

Source: livejournal, 137kyuminaday, lee3teukaday, omonatheydidnt, youtube, sj-world.net (individual link in text)

fandom: super junior, !spam post, sungmin why i never tagged you before, kyuhyun's voice is like sex to my ears, this entry is public

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