
Apr 05, 2010 12:47

I'm trying to stay away from LiveJournal for this week. As much as it kills me, this has to be done. I still have some more homework to complete. So, sorry for late replies. All I shall do is post up chapter two of my fic. So bye for now LJ :D
Also, I've deleted all my really old entries because they suck.
Please enjoy the fic :D

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fanfic: keito okamoto, fanfic: yamada ryosuke, fanfic: fictional character

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chanjuu April 5 2010, 03:13:28 UTC
♥ ♥
You already know how much i love it. Whee.


aminahlovespatd April 5 2010, 03:30:50 UTC
Yes I do :D
And your response was so long. Which made me happy :D
And thank you for adding in what your sister thought :D
Seriously. It made me happy :D
I do think it was too short though. It was just over 1000 words. But chapter one was over 3000.


chanjuu April 5 2010, 03:58:48 UTC
I'm so glad :) You deserved it.
Yes, it was short =/ almost like one shot. So you should write more. Lol that's why my chapter takes long too, I make sure it's longer than 10 pages >.


aminahlovespatd April 5 2010, 04:12:25 UTC
Thank you :D But your fanfic is still ten times more amazing then mine. Honestly.

Yeah. But I couldn't think of anything else to add so I left it at that. I was going to add some more flashbacks but then there would be nothing for chapter three.
That's crazy. If only I could write that much.

I seriously need to stop going on LJ everyday. I still haven't finished my homework. But I've thought of an amazing plan. I've decided that if I finish all my homework, I shall watch the Hitomi no Screen making of and Nobuta wo Produce. Cos I wanna see a 10 year old Yuto :D And I'll start my community.


chanjuu April 5 2010, 04:23:35 UTC
Oh you are making my head big again /blush. thank you >.<

That's what I do. When I think its too short, then i just add what i wanted to add in the next chapter. :D
HAHAH. i like to read looong things XD

I SERIOUSLY NEED TO STOP GOING ON LJ EVERYDAY TOO. its eating my life and enjoying it. exams are in 3 weeks and i cant make myself study. ugh. its so annoying.
LOL that is an AMAZING plan. Chibi Yuto with fountain hair ♥ ♥
i seriously should make a plan like that too. maybe like i won't work on my fic until i fully study my socio or something. i love my fic so much XD


aminahlovespatd April 5 2010, 05:02:33 UTC
You deserve. If I was a horrible person, I would have stolen your fic and claimed it as my own :D

Oh. I see. Maybe I should make it more descriptive and blab on about everything. That's what I did for the first chapter.
You like to read long things? You love to write long things too. Hint, your poem, hint :D

ME TOO. It takes over my life. Instead of homework, I go on LJ. Rather then studying for my exams last year, I went on LJ. It's such a life-ruiner but it's too awesome :D
THANK YOU. I love my plan.
I can't wait to see 10 year old Yuto <3
You should :D That's what I do. After I finished some homework, I worked on my fic :D

I keep trying to do homework now but I keep getting distracted. By this video:

HSJ owns my life. Along with LJ. Seriously. If HSJ was a drug, I'd overdose and die.


chanjuu April 5 2010, 23:27:52 UTC
oh my god. XD that is too many complients XD stooop. /blush
Chapter 7 is up. HAH finally. and its long. I think it was like 4500+ words. If only i wrote this much for my essay, my teacher would be so happy. XD

i knew you'd somehow bring in the poem when i said i like long things to read HAHAH

HAHAHA THAT VIDEO. oh my god. i'm lol-ing so freaking hard.
haha yabu stuck out his chin near the end, omg i love that guy XD
ok im just bla bla-ing again XD

If HSJ was a drug, I'd overdose and die.
i really couldn't have said it ANY better. Oh i love this drug. HAHA


aminahlovespatd April 7 2010, 12:41:02 UTC
You deserve it :D
Excellent. I shall read it ASAP.
LONG? Good. I haven't read anything long in a while. Speaking of long, I STILL NEED TO READ YOUR POEM :D
4500 WORDS? WHAAAAAA? You crazy woman. How can you write that much? Or should I say type?
When I gave my Literature teacher a creative essay that long, he was ultra happy. So happy in fact that it was almost creepy.


You know what I'm dying to watch? Yamada's new drama. That EYE one. I downloaded the first episode and I'm trying to hurry up with my homework so I can watch it. OH AND DAIKI'S MOVIE. That Fastener one. I have too much on my 'must watch' list.
LOL. You're getting a bit carried away with all your Yabu comments. LOL. Maybe you love him too much? Possibly :D

I KNOW. But I'd be happy to overdose on the HSJ drug. It's harmless anyway :D


chanjuu April 7 2010, 16:43:22 UTC
Thank you :D
YAYYY. tell me what you think :) haha poem is WAY longer than the chapter so you can read that when you are deathly bored XD
HAHAH. i dont know why i wrote so much. i like a chapter when its long and lots of things happen :D
LOOOL. im supposed to write 9 page essay on prostitution. im not ultora happy abt it XD

OMG I NEED TO WATCH IT TOO. omg i have no time right now but i need to get through my must watch list.
OMG DAIKI MOVIE. maybe in the future they all will be a part of one big drama ... hint hint...
LOLLL i need to stop my yabu comments before they get out of hands. XD

Its harmless but EXPENSIVE.


aminahlovespatd May 7 2010, 11:27:50 UTC
Anytime :D
ULTORA? LOLS. Was that spelt wrong on purpose because that's exactly how HSJ pronounces 'ultra'? :D

I'm just gonna buy it because my internet is too slow to download a whole drama :(
It's only thirty minutes and I can't even find time to watch it. How sad. And I really wanna see a younger Daiki :D
THEY SHOULD ALL BE IN A DRAMA TRUE? That would be so awesome. A HSJ drama :D
LOLS. It's okay. You're love for Yabu is too overpowering to not mention him in comments :D

True. But my fandoms are too awesome not to waste money on :D


chanjuu May 8 2010, 20:49:31 UTC
ROFLL. yes it was on purpose HAHA
i think i was listening to the song at that moment hahah

aww. stupid slow internet..
A HSJ drama. that would be just so epic. i really hope Johnny considers it or maybe our voices may reach him one day. lol
AHAH now im embarrassed :$

AGREED. they bring us happiness <3


aminahlovespatd June 18 2010, 10:43:33 UTC
Oh, HSJ. Too funny for words :D

I know. But I give up on buying it because I hate crappy subs. I'll download it even if it takes me until the end of my life. Jokes.
And I finally watched that Daiki movie. It's... weird. That's all I can say to describe it. And I feel sorry for him in the film. It's good though if you're into dark things.
I'm sure they will have one in the future. Arashi has heaps of films together so maybe, just maybe, it might happen :D We just need hope.

YES <3


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