FK Fiction...lots of it!

Jul 18, 2011 11:34

The fkficfest has opened, here and on DW, with two stories. There will continue to be two stories a day (except the weekend days, which will each get a single, longer story.

FK Ficfest, with today's two stories. Whether you wrote or not, please come and read and comment. The site is mirrored at DW: FK Ficfest at DW, and you can find all stories at both locations.

In addition, there is a new comm for short FK fic, or...bite-size fic. :-) Introducing fkcommentfic as the location for prompting with prompts from fkficfest and as the location for the short-fic/drabble/ficlets for the Dead Dog Party of fkficfest. Everyone is welcome to participate in the commentfic party, whether or not you were able to participate in fkficfest or not. So...if you did participate and the prompts you got inspired you...but not to a full 1000 words, come and play with shorter stories there.

Bite-size FK Fic, with an FAQ and the first commentfic post.

Many thanks to tempertemper, i_am_space, and bertee for the format and guidelines they have at bitesize_bones that helped me set up the Bite-Size FK Fic comm.


fk, comment fic, fic, ficathon, fkficfest, links

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