Link Spam

Jul 11, 2011 19:48

I have lots of homework to do. And I've BEEN doing it since noon yesterday. Of course, I've been doing the stuff that's due a month out from now, not the stuff (that's more boring) that's due this week.

So, in the interests of that, I'm going to post linkspam.

A quote that made me happy in my head every time I read an AP essay on an Ayn Rand book:

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs. John Rogers at Kung Fu Monkey

Ecstasy can help with PTSD--interesting

OMG SO CUTE Bert and Ernie story from the "Let's Get Gay Married" comment fic, this one called, "Things that Start with B"

Hilarious list of movie gun myths that people believe thanks to Hollywood...SO fun to read.

Time article about fanfic, with the excellent title, "The Boy Who Lived Forever" (re: Harry Potter).

A list that thatyourefuse is assembling of books and media source and resources and references for smart, geeky kids who usually feel alone...go forth and add things that bolstered you till you found your people.

Adorable pink piglet being nurtured by a dachshund mother. Awwww.

Cute kitty serves as seeing eye cat for deaf-blind yellow lab. Awwww.

Very interesting article on "Being Blind at Harvard" 1969.

Hulu vid of the Bones cast and producers at the Paley Center...and further proof that Hart Hanson is...not a good public relations person.

Note to self: I'd like to get a chance to see this movie about a girl with autism and her mother.

Havi Brooks, whose stuff I like, but whose system I don't think I could follow her advice steadily, talking about PTSD and being in your body NOW. Particularly about her no-sugar or no-caffeine thing...which work for her, and which she uses as examples of why "The First Five Years are the Hardest." The Havi glossary, including "destuckification," and "the dammit list." And on flashbacks and physiological reactions and fighting them. Mediating with our own monsters. And on "destuckifying a hurt." And clearing out the guilt for not "destuckifying" things "well enough" or whatever. And what to do when you feel like dirt...starting with giving yourself permission to feel whatever you feel. And the thing that stops you from doing the know, the THING. Forgetting self-mastery in favor of self-friendship. And how the idea that one has to get "out of one's comfort zone" is as full of crap as I said it was to my principal. Avoidance and getting out of it...the answer to "Why haven't I been doing more??"

Then there is The Fat Nutritionist talking about how procrastinating is sort of like dieting. And her also taking about The Rules for Eating (Eat or die...there are no other rules).

And...Havi doing a Level 2 Shiva Nata (Dance of Shiva) demonstration that looks terrifyingly hard...and VERY compelling...yet another thing I wish I'd just learn to do and DO a few times a day. She says that if you've gotten comfortable enough with it to be good at it, not to make mistakes, for it not to be hard...then you need to up the level of the Shiva Nata you're doing.

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One version of a sun salute. I should do several of these a day: they're good for me, body and soul.

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And, the piece de le resistance...Samuel L. Jackson reading aloud (with the book pages) the "children's" book, Go the F*ck to Sleep. Heeee!

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Oh...and a cartoon I saw decades ago on a professor's door...when there were no phone cameras...and that I've re-located. *grin* I can consolidate my Firefox window into ONE! ...And get back to my homework.

self-care, ptsd, dance, deaf, links, havi, yoga, mothering, blind, triggers

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