Brilliant Without You, DW, Eleven, Amy Pond, Donna Noble

Oct 24, 2010 23:50

In response to the Drabble Meme, this is the first one I've figured out what to do with. Sadly, it would not be a drabble and instead is a ficlet. More to come as I figure them out (everyone who requested is still not only welcome but encouraged to leave prompts, even a single word, if you haven't yet). ETA: I'm probably going to expand this into a more realized story; I think it reads as half drabble-writing and half story-writing and I want to smooth it over...once the other drabble-meme requests are done.

ETA2: I have finished the expansion and added 400 words. I hope you will read the final version at "Brilliant Without You" at


Brilliant Without You
by amilyn
Doctor Who for lydiabell
Characters: Eleven, Amy Pond, Donna Noble
600 words



"Ow! What was that for?"

There was a blur as someone stepped between them. "Hello. I'm Amy Pond. You've met him already, I see?" A thumb jerked toward him.

"Met him? Oh, I've met him all right."

That voice. Loud, brash. Her.

She looked Amy up and down, turned on the Doctor. "You wanker! You had to go find a younger, thinner, newer ginger model, did you?"

"Donna? You... I mean..." The Doctor held his stinging cheek.

"How do I know, you mean? You really thought that I could be you and not remember?" She rolled her eyes. "Sarah Jane said you were thick like that, even way back."


"Is he like this a lot now? Stammering about?"

Amy, who'd been watching with a pursed-lips grin, eyes twinkling, said. "Now that you mention it..."

"Missing the obvious?" Donna looked back at him and tipped her head.

He opened his mouth. Closed it again. Stared.

"Bless." She quirked her eyebrows at Amy. "Should I put him out of his misery?"

Amy wrinkled her nose, looked at him, looked back at Donna. "I don't know. He's kind of amusing when he's all at loose ends."

"'re not dead!"

Donna's face went very still.

The Doctor took an unconscious step back.

"Not dead. That's what every girl just loves to hear. I look that good, do I?"

His tongue felt too large and words wouldn't form and then everything was upside-down and Donna and Amy were falling about each other laughing.

The Doctor frowned. Donna had done that with Martha. And Rose with Sarah Jane. Clearly he was missing something.

"Oh, that was priceless, that was. Come here, you!" Donna's arms went around him and he could breathe even less. There was an instant where she held him and was entirely still and, almost too quiet for even his ears, carried on a single, soft exhale, she breathed, "I miss moment." Then she was turning him, linking arms with him and Amy. "He's still skinny as a rail, even after changing."


Amy leaned across Donna. "Well, you are. I don't know why you argue with people who're right."

Her shoulder touched his as she dragged him along. "Come on. We'll get you a proper tea and a bun and have a talk about what happens when you re-boot the universe. Rather like an office computer. Re-boot and lots of the bugs get worked out."

"You mean...was it...?"

"Well, that's what Sarah Jane and I figure it must have been. That enormous, pompous computer of hers said it was the 'only ripple in the space-time continuum of sufficient size to' blah-blah-blah."

" know Sarah?"

"Sarah Jane? Oh, yes. Martha and I kept in touch. And I see that Captain Harkness a couple of times a month. He fancies my husband just as much as me, you know."

He smiled weakly. "Oh. So...everything's going well, then?"

Amy was trying to smother giggles with a hand.

"No thanks to you, everything's brilliant."

Amy pulled away. "Be right back. I'm getting Rory."

"So. Tea, you said?" His voice was too bright.

"Best around, right over there." Donna glanced at Amy. "So. Is she going to stay with you forever too?"

He felt he couldn't breathe again and looked away. They took a few steps in silence, a rare thing with Donna Noble. He could hear Amy and Rory laughing, hear their steps bounce off the paving stones and they ran toward the shop. They sounded so young.

Just before they reached the café door, Donna whispered, "We all plan to, you know."


fiction, my fanfic, meme, dw

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