Please spread this around anywhere you think it should be seen.
We are just over a month out from
tv_elf's first birthday after
her death. I've been talking to Donna every so often and the last time, I asked her how she would feel about memorials for
Abby on her birthday this year. She said she'd be honored and, "it's not like we're going to forget." Both Abby and Katie have remained very much part of their lives on a daily basis, but Donna really appreciates communication from Abby's friends and people talking about and remembering Abby with her.
I think it would be good to have memorials for the month of November, from her birthday on the 5th to the date of her death on the 30th. I have their street address and will be glad to put together any messages or memorials or comments that anyone wants to send to arrive either on the 5th (I'd need them by Nov. 1st) or for the 30th (need by the 24th), with the specification of which date you'd rather have your message sent for. Alternately, I'm glad to send the address via email if someone would rather send a card or note or such themselves.
Some of the things that I've thought of writing about include:
-memories of time with Abby
-memories of Abby's bad jokes
-responses to Abby's vids or fic
-things that I've seen or heard or that have happened that have reminded me of Abby or made me want to share them with her somehow
-things that I've realized I do or think or have or are in my life because of Abby, ways that she still impacts me
-you know, like, anything about Abby.
So...let me know if you want to contribute to a group anything, and pass on the offer if you would.