Qi is here! Additional Family Member!

Sep 04, 2009 07:10

Qi is here! She seems to prefer to be called Olive. Her English is AMAZING! She's sweet and LOVES kids and animals and is thrilled with the pets. She is coming to school with me today to get her ID and such. I got her schedule on Tuesday and REALLY have enjoyed going up to her teachers (my colleagues) and "introducing" myself and letting them know that they have a child of mine in their classes and to let me know if she causes any trouble or needs help.

She got in Wednesday afternoon after not sleeping for over 21 hours. Yesterday she slept most of the day off and on. I had gotten custard mochi and egg custards from Chinatown on the way home, and when she woke up in the middle of the night she had them and commented, "They taste like Chinese food." *grin*

We'll have to work on proper dinner tonight. I don't think she's eaten enough. And she is skinny and tiny (though tall-ish...probably 5'4"?) and so is quite chilled by the current weather (for which I'm grateful, but...59 degrees on an early Sept morning? that is NOT NORMAL...and is kind of scary).

I've got to sew Elf a dress for tomorrow...and I've got to do it tonight after writing a story TODAY (and finish revising my syllabi and handouts and print them all up)...and I'm looking forward to Faire tomorrow in nice cool weather!

weather, qi, olive, faire, exchange guests

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