A Win for the World

Nov 04, 2008 23:08

I have had a good feeling for the past four days or so, but was afraid of jinxing things. I'm hopeful. I'm still nervous, but I'm just AMAZED.

And I still can't quite believe it's real, that the Democrats are back in power, that someone smart and articulate and compassionate and IN TOUCH who understands huge swaths of the American people--black, white, middle class, poor, educated, less educated, urban, remote--is going to be president. Someone SMART. Someone who can USE the English language with precision and nuance. Someone who seeks to try to level the playing field a bit more, give more people a chance, more people access to health care, more people access to more and better education. Let's see if we can have the kind of successes at providing for and supporting ourselves and our own that England and Germany and Canada and Australia and France and Holland and Swedent have had for decades now.

This is what I believe in, and someone who represents that is going to be in the White House come January 20. This is someone who believes that science is real, who may actually take steps to attempt to prevent the planet from dying. Humans may have a chance if he acts and if the Congress acts with him and if the citizenry acts with him.

I am still having trouble grasping it, still not quite able to believe it.

The one thing that finally did trickle through to me, though, was seeing cybertardis name him "President-Elect Obama." Obama, the guy I voted for, the first African American in history to be on the national ballot as a major party candidate for president, a Democrat, a fine speaker, is the PRESIDENT-ELECT of the United States. That phrase was the point when I finally teared up.

Happy birthday, tv_elf and marag.

In honor of the occasion, I've replaced my previous Obama icon.

climate change, election, hope, obama

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