Random fandom and life

Oct 15, 2008 00:06

I only have three more eps of S1 Chuck to catch up on. This show is so delightfullly FUN and quirky and I am loving it lots.

I am completely caught up on DW, SJA, TW, SCC, Bones, The 4400... I am through Eureka S2. I am still behind on SG1 (SGA is pretty much a lost cause at this point). I've got 2 seasons of House to catch up on (though tonight was just plain slashalicious). I'm feeling really caught up on fandom. *glee*

We are gaining Cat #3 as of tomorrow. Grey!Cat and Ginger!Cat have settled in and are lovely to have. Ginger!Fat!Cat likes to perch on the top of the sofa cushion and play with hair. He has decidedly declared himself my cat while Grey!Cat (who strongly resembles my late cat Smokey), is very much Daddy's Cat. New!Cat is female, was an alley cat, and so we have NO deliusions about who's going to be in charge: her.

My kids got good report cards. Now we've got to do their Projects. *sigh*

Everyone must look at and admire my new Sarah Icon. Glasses, people. She's wearing GLASSES. My life is complete. I'm going to make a Total Fool of myself next month, I just know it. As imbri6 commented, I'm just hoping for the "Total Fool" part not to include "Scary-run-away-from-the-freak" overtones.

My ankle is swollen again. I think it is possible that it did not think it was quite yet time to do 5 class periods of dancing today. It did really well, though, didn't hurt, doesn't hurt...and 4 of the 5 classes had fun (the last class of the day was Made Of Fail and loitered and clumped and wouldn't participate. I have done the epsom salts on the ankle, have it propped up, and have been doing arnica orally and topically.

My exchange student from China said that she had seen Becoming Jane and had wanted to learn the dances and that I "made her dream come true" today. *beam*

The students--21st century urban kids who are used to "juking"--really seem to GET (far more than they did before today) the DIFFERENCE in courting then and now...the LOOKS on their faces when I said, "This was HARD CORE flirting" ...priceless. It was ust SO FUN to watch them start to get it.

Did I MENTION how totally adorable my Sarah Jane is?

fandom, sja, dance, cats, ankle

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