Meme last seen with triciabyrne1978

May 07, 2007 23:34

I've been Blitz!Grading tonight (5-10pm--whoot!) and this was one of my breaks once I got home.

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought?

"I need to wash my hair"

2. When's the next time you will have sex?

When I'm done grading papers and one of us doesn't fall asleep too early like I did last night.

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"?


4. Favorite planet?


6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?

Um...the one I don't have that's the tweedle-squrge from ST:TNG so that it sounds like my communicator is going off because the Enterprise is calling. Gotta figure out how to load that sound that I HAVE found but not put into the phone.

7. What shirt are you wearing right now?

A brown short sleeved rayon thing with a crocheted brown v-collar decorated with little wooden beads.

8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago?

Trying to drag myself away from IM and LJ to get more grading done.

9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?

Bare feet.

10. You're in a bright or Dark Room?

Bright cuz all the lights are on because I'm planning to ruin my sleeping patterns by GRADING more (already graded from 5-10pm).

11. What do you think about the person who posted this survey?

That she's lovely and fun and someone I'd love to meet in person

12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on?

The one nearer the cool air.

13. What were you doing at exactly midnight last night?


14. What was your last text message you received on your mobile?

A message from our roommate who's arriving next Monday saying that yes, indeed, our technology is working and we can get in touch.

15. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot?


16. Last furry thing you touched?

mtgat's dog or cat, I think.

17. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?

ALL of my regular meds...AND my vitamins which seem to have reduced my Ravenously Insatiable Appetite by, oh, making sure I'm not totally undernourished (what a concept).

18. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?

One. I think. Somewhere.

19. Favorite age you have been so far?


20. Your worst enemy?

Fear and panic.

21. What wallpaper do you have on your desktop?

A photo of my kids hugging on a lake shore in Wisconsin on a family trip a couple of years ago.

22. What was the last thing you said to someone?

Agreed with Husband's plans for replacing TV.

23. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly?

MONEY, baby!

24. Do you like someone?

Many someones.

25. The last song you listened to?

Ummm...there was random radio on the way home...before that there was the Lis Sladen CD on my mp3 player, before that random radio, and last night lovely Indigo Girls stuff like "The Wood Song" and "Southland in the Springtime" and other Emily stuff.

26. If the last person you talked to was getting shot, what would you do?

Scream, cry, panic, call 911, pray.

27. If you could punch 1 person in the face, who would it be?

I don't know. I don't like the violence aspect. I don't want anyone punched in the face. Maybe George Bush.

28. What is the closest object to your left foot?

The leg of the TV table that my laptop rests on and on the crossbar of which I'm resting my feet.

procrastination, me, grading, meme

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