Sarah Jane *glee*

May 02, 2007 19:48

OMGOMGOMG.....Sarah Jane started filming April 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Warning: There are some vague (TV Guide summary-like) spoilers at some of these links...but it's also possible just to stare at Lis and be all giddy without reading.]

I am all gleeful.

And it's so SILLY in its way...she's a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. And yet I am filled with SUCH JOY looking at photos and old story summaries and quotes. And thinking about how there's going to be MORE. I mean...this is ICING. This is BONUS. She left the show in 1976--before I ever saw the show (yes, I was 6 years old then and first saw her when I was 9). And yet I've gotten the original stuff AND two specials, AND a guest appearance...and now a new series.

I am the LUCKIEST FAN EVER (along with others of my ilk).

And folks have been able to go down to Cardiff and spy on filming and OMGTALKTOLIS. Normal, everyday people off the street have gotten to MEET her and take PHOTOS and she's SO CUTE and SO TINY know those crazy, all-enveloping, kid-type crushes most folks have in jr. high? Usually on like teen idols or rock stars or such?

I STILL get that kind of butterflies and GLEE out of her old episodes and reports of how lovely she is with fans and listening to her think out loud in interviews and such.

Did I mention that I feel like the LUCKIEST FAN EVER???

And that warm, fuzzy, bubbly's just it's so silly but so wonderful. I spent the afternoon reading summaries, "Sarah moments," quotes, and discussion of the crazy attire that was her wardrobe and just GRINNING my face off and being SO HAPPY and.... You'd think that joy would fade....and's still this nostalgic happy thing that makes me all glowy.

It's cool. And ep 4 of the next season is focused on SARAH specifically. I'm curious to see if Sarah Jane Adventures keeps the continuity they'd created for Sarah from back in the 70s/80s or not...very little of it was ever broadcast in canon material, so they're not bound to any of it, though it does still (imo) make total sense (and it's angsty and it's what I've "known" since like 1985, so I hope they keep it)...but this is a strange fandom for me in that I'll forgive them practically anything. Practically.

I'm just so giddy.

fandom, sarah jane, sja, glee, links

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