My fangirl student came over yesterday. It was glorious, and a total win-win situation.
While she sat in the room with the kids, making sure they didn't die or destroy things, I got to rest, do other things, and generally not watch the kids.
Things that got done:
- tidied living room
- tidied kitchen
- tidied kids' room
- vacuumed living room (and futon)
- vacuumed kids' room
- did dishes
- changed sheets and bedding on our bed
- sorted and started laundry
- baked banana bread with dead bananas
- rested and caught up on email and LJ
- scrubbed kitchen floor around cupboards (and major spots)
- excavated kitchen table
- put away kids' clothes from going to C'dale (what was that? three weeks ago??)
- went through boxes of 4T clothes and new hand-me-downs and put those away in kids' drawers
- put stuff for later in the kids' closet
- put all kids' bedding on shelves in kids' closet to mak eroom for reorganization of kids' drawers which are overflowing
- watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition with family
- realized back hurt too much almost to move and had Husband drive Fangirl!Student home
- switched out laundry and folded first load so as to have clothes for school
- got to chat with tylure, something that happens all too rarely
Heard today that Fangirl!Student's mom loved-loved-loved banana bread. Got to feed other loaf of banana bread to ravenous vultures AP Lit class.
I even got a couple of papers graded today, though I got none done over the weekend on which I got lots of sleep.