Jun 06, 2006 15:22
trying to plan for the party this weekend...but I don't have many ideas :p
ordered the cake....which I was gonna oreder a funny random one..but decided that would be a bit much with the current moustache theme....and I'll save the random b-day cake for another time....don't you worry...
so I guess other than the beer buying on saturday that's all you really need...not sure how many people are actually gonna come....but that doesn't really matter...I have fun with the usual people that show up...I just want brad and dawn to have fun....so hopefully they do...I'm trying...I just have bad luck...so I won't be surprised if something bad happens
but at least I get to go moustache shopping tonight
why can't it be friday....and also why can't that dog stop sucking
back to waiting for it to be 4...tick ..tock..tick..tock