Nov 25, 2007 21:16
Hand cramp, hand cramp! I've done almost nothing but crotchet all day and it's catching up with me. I do, however, have a couple bookmarks and some snowflakes. I need to get some fabric stiffener to finish the snowflakes. Never done those before, curious how they'll turn out.
I also wrote some of Tapestry Threads today. Actually, the only thing I didn't get to this weekend that I wanted to do was re-writing the prologue of Bronze Dragon Codex (ducking in case my editor is reading this!), but I still have a fair amount of time on that. It's hard juggling both the thesis and the paying writing gig; until now I was able to alternate working on them almost monthly. But I think this week I'll keep up my 500 words a day on TT, then revise the prologue.
I still need to give an SCBWI P'burgh post-mortem. That actually was one of the best SCBWI conferences I've ever attended, so I really should talk about it. Tomorrow perhaps.
tapestry threads,