A question for the IAFA crowd

Jun 05, 2007 09:17

Or anyone else who feels like weighing in.

I have a book review in a scholarly journal (JFA) that I'm about to send to the editor. They need a bio. Now, typically I just mention that I've published reviews, critical articles, and fiction (ok, one magazine article, but that counts!). However, with the book coming out, I am on the fence as to whether I should mention it or not. On the one hand, a first book, no matter how humble, IS a big deal. However, I'm wondering if I might be looked down upon for writing series fiction. Then there's the fact that it won't be under my name, but a pseudonym. Would something like:
Her first book, XXX, a middle-grade fantasy novel in a series, will be out in 2008 from XXX Books
be out of line? I kind of don't want to get into the whole pseudonym thing, especially because that gets confusing in a 3-5 sentence bio, but will people think I'm making it sound more important than it is when the book does come out (if they even remember!)?

I'm probably overthinking this, but as I'm a full-time grad student only 6 weeks out of the year, I'm always worried I'll make some major scholarship faux pas. Would I think twice about this if I was writing a bio for SCBWI? Absolutely not. I just don't want to come across as more of an amateur scholar than I already am by mentioning something that shouldn't be mentioned.

reviews, scholarship, bdc

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