(no subject)

May 25, 2008 22:42

Oh, it's been an uneventful week in the life of me. I got home from Nashville late last Sunday night. Instead of driving up three times this month (Mother's Day, wedding shower, Ira Glass) I combined Mother's Day and the shower into one trip last weekend. I got into town Friday afternoon and Mom and I ran a couple of errands, then I took her to eat at O'Charleys where we had yummy rolls and salads. Saturday was Laura and Tim's shower-- it was a kind-of long day but it was fun. The odd thing about it was that I've never been to a shower where the groom was actively participating in the preparations. Tim loves to cook so he had made some stuff the night before and then cooked a LOT the day of-- he smoked ribs so I tried *A* rib for the first time. It was pretty good! Laura got him a smoker for Christmas and he's been making good use of it apparently. I took Mom home and then went back over to my Aunt's house and hung out with the young folk for awhile.
Sunday, Beth and JW picked me up at Mom's and we had lunch at Mafioso's and then went for dessert at Provence after getting Beth and J-Dub's coffee for the week at Fido. We drove around town for awhile and then they dropped me off at Mom's and I headed home.

I had a pretty good week at work last week-- my coworker that was on military leave came back so we're back to "full staff" in my part of the office. There was a bit of a dust-up over filing and some other crap but for the most part the situation is status-quo. Gas is nearing $4 a gallon and none of us have had raises since we got hired. That's over a year and a half, when we were all told in our interviews that if the state gets a raise, we do too. I am grateful for my job-- all told, it's pretty simple and pretty good money for what I do. I have to bite my tongue a LOT when dealing with clients but it's not too bad. *BUT* why bother giving us evaluations ( and why knock yourself out doing an exceptionally good job) when you make the same as the person whose slack you are constantly picking up? It makes no sense.

Also, my parents had Landon for awhile on Wednesday night so I got to see him, and on Friday my Dad drove to Chattanooga to pick up his motorcycle. ::sigh:: Oh, to be retired and have disposable income.

This weekend I have a long weekend for Memorial Day (THANKS VETS!) and am off Friday. It's back to Nashville Friday through Monday, which I have off for Jefferson Davis' Birthday ( no, I'm not kidding) and then in two weeks
clothes_slut  will be here and we'll head to Nashville for Laura and Tim's wedding.

In the meantime, enjoy some pictures which you may or may not have already seen. I need to get back to rewatching Band of Brothers-- the guys are stuck on "pause" in Bastogne!

The weather was beautiful the day of the shower-- not too hot, not too cool.

This is Anna, daughter of Tim and Beth's cousin on their Dad's side.  She's three months old and I could feel my ovaries twitch while I was holding her.

Laura loves to bake and Tim loves to cook so their gifts were VERY appreciated-- in fact, at least one (a pastry brush) was put into service that afternoon!

I always say I'm going to take a few pictures of the lake but it's usually dark when I leave their house-- not this time!

Uncle Rob and Landon-- Landon points at the book...

And then kisses the pop-up animals.  A spider?  Really???

Ah yes...the new toy.  Dad's nickname is "UNeasy Rider" by the way.

dad, work, nashville, wedding, landon, tim and laura

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