(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 23:08

Tonight was a quiet one...Graham came by and we headed to Blockbuster to rent a movie to watch.  We ended up with 3-- Lords of War, Little Miss Sunshine, and Kinsey.  We watched Lords of War tonight and it was really good.  Graham actually took it home so he could maybe watch it again before we have to return it.  I fell asleep at some point I think-- he swears I was snoring but I DON'T SNORE.  G. had fried chicken and mac & cheese for dinner, I had a chicken finger or two and pita & hummus.

Tomorrow night I think is going to be a Girls Night Out, and, God willing and the creek don't rise (sorry, old saying), G. and I are going to church on Sunday.

And, stolen from
effy :

I'm Meredith.  I'm 28 years old.  I was born and raised in the lovely town of Alabaster, where I went to school in the same school system with mostly the same classmates from 2nd grade until I graduated in 1996.  I spent my first year of college at Auburn.  I loved the school but was very homesick, so I wound up transferring home, taking a year off and then ended up finishing at UAB.  While I was there, I joined Delta Gamma sorority.  In case you don't know, UAB's Greek life is NOTHING like it is at most other southern colleges.  I credit Delta Gamma with giving me my two best girlfriends -- Dr. Brandi and
clothes_slut, although I technically knew them both while I was at Auburn.  After a long stint in retail and various other endeavors, I have finally gotten myself a "real" job with the State dealing with child care subsidy, which has been a real eye-opener to the state of social affairs.  I enjoy what I do and feel like I'm actually doing something that matters for a change, which is important to me.

I've spent the last year trying to get myself in shape physically, and after losing right at 50 pounds, I attended my last wedding for the year and hung up the gym shoes.  I've managed to gain 20 back and am trying to get back into the habit of hitting the Y again.  This year, I've also decided to get myself into shape financially, hence the budgeting.  I am determined to pay off my remaining credit card debt.

I was given an iPod for Christmas by my boyfriend, Graham, and am enjoying the benefits of having all of my favorite CDs at my disposal at any time.  I have a pretty big collection-- probably around 600-700.   I also  have a  lovely  poochie adopted in 2002 from the  Rutherford County Humane Alliance  named Ellie.  Other names include "Pound Hound", "Poochie", "Mama's Girl", "Ellie Mae" and "Eleanor Smellinor".  I like to read and have recently been introduced to The Sopranos. 

profile, weekend

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