Sic transit gloria mundi

Nov 12, 2006 12:27

Five Things Cam Mitchell’s Father Always Means to Tell His Son but Probably Won’t

1. You’re sister is still bitter at you for ruining Santa Claus for her. I’d be a little bit afraid if I were you. Girl has a memory like a notepad. I’m so glad I wasn’t the one who had to tell her.
2. Do you remember what I promised you when the adoption went through?
3. When you went to the Gulf I understood the panicking fear your mother always had on her face before the accident. And every letter and phone call we got, and every time you came home, I understood the pride more than when I was the one waiting for deployment.
4. Thanksgiving and Christmas are downright desolate when you didn’t come home for them. I think that’s why your sister makes sure she can be here for both of them now, and that’s every bit as wonderful.
5. I’m proud of you, and even though I don’t really understand why you’re there I’m proud of the work you do at Peterson. Whatever that may be. You’re a good man and I know that it must be important. Just for the love of God use your head. I don’t think I could survive burying another child.

And the Five Things He Did

1. It doesn’t matter to me one lick who you fall in love with and who you sleep with. There are very few things you could do in this world to make your mother or me ashamed of you, and falling for a man is not on that list.
2. I love you so much.
3. Do you remember your mother’s and my wedding? My flight from Germany got delayed two whole days and I couldn’t even get a minute to say hi to you before the wedding started. You walked your momma down the isle but about halfway through she let go of your hand, and you ran up to me full speed and jumped right into my arms. After that I never worried again if our little family was going to work out.
4. Nice swing, son! Good job, son! You’ll do better next time, son! I loved calling you that because for the longest time you’d get this surprised look every time I did. But I loved it more when you didn’t anymore.
5. Nobody’s perfect. Don’t upset yourself over nothing.

five things, sg1, stargate sg1

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