Justice League/JLU, Cookie Cutters to a Happy Life, Flash/Supes

Oct 29, 2006 21:50

Cookie Cutters to a Happy Life
Fandom: Justice League
Disclaimer: I don’t own Flash or Superman. I don’t even like Superman all that much. No harm intended.
Rating: PG?
Pairing: Flash/Superman
Summary: For picfics...um http://www.livejournal.com/community/picfics/10676.html that challenge.
Notes: Got both pics in, go me. The second seemed so John, but I couldn’t get his voice. Written in thirty(-one) minutes.

Flash sped by, leaving a tail of red. Almost like you could reach out, grab on and go for one hell of a ride. That was Flash. Thrills. Hell. Rides. Thrilling rides to hell, because this guy was still a kid. Clark could be his father. Sort of. In an alternate universe. He probably was and they’d find out when some other Batman made another machine that cuts through dimensions and dragged them into it. Flash-Wally-was like roller coasters and candy: They might make you sick, your mother might tell you not to, but you can’t resist. They’re just so much fun.

Wally has this shirt he’ll wear sometimes when he’s not being Flash. ‘Don’t lead me to temptation, I can find it fine myself.’ When he’s being Superman, he thinks it’s the perfect shirt for Clark.

But Flash did lead him to temptation with that red smear of energy that’s kind of infectious, even though you don’t want to admit it.

It starts raining when Clark can’t stop thinking about Wally, little angry darts of water that slaughter the bluebell flowers and muddy path of life he’s traveled. That little voice he was sure he silenced after high school-what will people think?

Really, Clark can’t imagine Wally in Smallville. It actually might be amusing. There’s this whole part of life they can’t share. They’ve had fights because Clark can never remember how much of life Wally hasn’t lived yet. He goes off to sulk like a little boy sometimes.

But, then again, so does Clark.

“What’re you thinking about?” Flash walks up, pretending to be Wally pretending to be sophisticated. He’s got opened beers in one hand, hands one to Clark.

I’m a pervert, run away. Find someone your own age. Leave an old man some dignity. “Nothing good,” Clark says instead.

“ ‘Nothing good’ as in bad, or ‘nothing good’ as in boring?”

“ ‘Nothing good’ as in boring.” He can feel the road from his past vanishing all the more.

They watch the sunset in peace-Clark and Wally. Wally and Clark. Just out on a little camping trip. No threat to the universe at hand, other than the pollution. It felt nice.

Almost normal.

Definitely happy. A twisted road ahead, but not as bad as it could be.

Clark could get used to this.

justice league/jlu, fic

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