Title: Many Hands Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 100 Prompt: jimmypalmer challenge #008 'heat' Summary: There was no body this time, just a wet, cold crime scene.
Title: Vacation Time Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 100 Prompt: jimmypalmer challenge #007 'vacation/holiday' Summary: Jimmy has bad luck- but good friends.
Title: Seasonal Set Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 100 Prompt: jimmypalmer challenge #006 'seasons' Summary: Now, he has one for each season. Note(s): also includes implied Abby/McGee
Title: Flavors of Friendship Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 100 Prompt: jimmypalmer challenge #005 'favorite' Summary: Sometimes, it's the little things.
Title: Luck Be a Lady Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 100 Prompt: jimmypalmer challenge #002 'chances' Character(s): Jimmy Palmer, Tony DiNozzo, Tim McGee Summary: "Okay," said Jimmy. "I raise fifty."