[Sea Hunt: Drabble] "Time and Tide" [G]

Jul 15, 2020 03:00

Title: Time and Tide
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 22, challenge 40 quick fic round-up, prompt ‘exploring a shipwreck and finding something of historical and/or personal value’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Fandom: Sea Hunt
Character(s): Mike Nelson,
Summary: This wasn’t just any shipwreck.

Time and Tide

Usually, new divers get excited at the sight of a shipwreck, even an expected one, but my current companion hesitated.

That was completely understandable. This wasn’t just any shipwreck, this was the wreck of her grandparents’ yacht, which had gone down before she was born - and had taken her grandparents with it.

I touched Marianne’s arm, trying to convey my concern. Objects in a ship that went down often shifted with time and tide, but there was every chance we were heading for a gruesome sight.

But she gave me a thumbs-up gesture, and we continued forward toward the wreck.


Current Mood:


drabble, sea_hunt, writerverse

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