Title: Farewell
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: my Fandom Couples Challenge
Fandom: Tortall book series, by Tamora Pierce
Pairing: Alanna of Trebond/George Cooper
Summary: Alanna is leaving.
Note(s): I forgot for the last two, but I made icons for all my fandom couples (this is the one for couples I couldn't find a picture of, though)
"So, you're leaving me again, are you, lass?"
Baron George Cooper of Pirates' Swoop held his wife at arms' length. He'd have liked to hold her closer, of course, but Lady Knight Alanna was not particularly cuddly in her golden armor.
She smiled softly and reached out to unnecessarily straighten his collar. "I have a duty to the crown, George. You know that."
"Aye, that I do. Gods all bless, Alanna. Fight well, and come home to me safe."
She drew him in for a fierce kiss, swearing to herself that it would not be the last one they shared.
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