Title: My Hero
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: my 100-word Fandom Couples Challenge
Fandom: Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
Pairing: Carol Abromowitz/Vance Hawkins
Summary: Chivalry is not dead.
My Hero
"Carol, look out!"
Carol Abromowitz hadn't even begun to turn at the shout when she felt an arm wrap around her, pulling her behind the low wall whose murals she had been studying. The cultural specialist kept her eyes closed, clinging tightly to Vance Hawkins and knowing that the deputy security chief could take care of them.
Except, nothing happened.
Carol opened her eyes. "Vance? It's a lizard."
So it was.
Hawkins lowered his phaser, looking sheepish. "Oops."
Abromawitz kissed him briefly. "I appreciate the gesture, though. It's very sweet."
She grinned. "And manly."
"That, I can live with."
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