[Star Trek: Drabble] "Laugh and Sing" [Doctor/Seven, G]

Sep 23, 2014 00:08

Title: Laugh and Sing
Prompt: writerverse challenge #28 May table of doom
Lyric(s) Used: “Sing it one more time like that/Sing it with me, please don’t let me sing alone” (“Sing It One More Time Like That” by Trout Fishing in America)
Word Count: 200
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Pairings: Holographic Doctor/Seven of Nine
Summary: Seven and the Doctor are always in perfect harmony.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Laugh and Sing

Seven stopped in the doorway, letting the door slide shut behind her and watching the Doctor bustle about sickbay, returning things to their rightful places now that the emergency was over. He had been busy, but all minor injuries, and every single one of their crewmates had been returned to their quarters.

The ex-Borg had intended to offer her assistance, so that her romantic partner could join her in their quarters sooner, but she was distracted by the random snippets of music he sang to himself as he straightened trays of hyposprays and reset diagnostics.

“Oh, Seven,” he said, looking up and spotting her. “I was just tidying up.”

“I am aware,” she replied, with a smile. “May I assist you?”

“You just want me home faster,” the Doctor accused, but he couldn’t seem to help a grin at the thought.

“You are correct,” said Seven. She paused, then added, “May I sing with you, as well?”

“Was I…?”

“You were,” she said. “I find your voice very pleasant, but I find that I enjoy it more when we sing together.”

The Doctor smiled, and came around the biobed to kiss her. “There’s no one I’d rather sing with, Seven.”


Current Mood:


drabble, star trek voyager, doctor/seven, writerverse

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