[Sailor Moon: Drabble] "Drip, Drip, Drop" [G]

Sep 09, 2013 03:01

Title: Drip, Drip, Drop
Prompt: writerverse challenge #41 quick fic amnesty (‘shower’)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Sailor Moon
Characters: Ami & Usagi
Summary: Ami enjoys the rain.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Drip, Drip, Drop

It was raining when Ami left the library.

On the street outside, she could see people hurrying, trying to stay dry. She had no such worries- warm spring showers like this were among her favorite forms of water, and she stepped out onto the sidewalk with a grin.

She had almost reached her apartment building when she heard her name called. Ami ducked under the overhang to see Usagi skid to a stop beside her, soaking wet. “Hey!” the blonde said, scowling. “How come you’re dry!?”

“Oh, Usagi-chan,” Ami laughed, and led her friend inside to borrow some dry clothes.


Current Mood:


drabble, sailor moon, writerverse

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