Title: The Earth Turns
writerverse challenge #34 random music drabbles
Song Used: “Without You” (from RENT)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Downton Abbey (season/series 2, so no spoilers)
Pairings: Anna Bates/John Bates
Summary: It’s the simple things that make Anna miss her husband.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library The Earth Turns
She had only had him for such a short time, but Anna wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do without him. Metaphorically, of course, because she did know what to do- what she had always done, her duty.
There was still Lady Mary and Lady Edith to look after, still mending to do, and rooms to clean, still chores and tasks. None of that stopped just because Anna was suddenly, completely alone.
Which just served to make her more determined to get her husband set free. Because someday, he would be here to do the ordinary things with her.
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