Yes, another one! This makes, like four... or five... look, I'm an English major, not some sort of math person. Anyway...
Title: Mandie Book series (forty volumes in all)
Author: Lois Gladys Leppard
Summary: Okay, so this is an entire series, not just one book, but I thought they should all go at once. Admittedly for younger readers (grade to middle schoolers, I guess), the stories have a Christian bent to them. The plot focuses on Mandie Shaw, a young girl living in North Carolina. After the death of her father, she meets her real mother and her Uncle John, her father's brother. Along with her best friend, Joe Woodard, the local doctor's son, and her white cat Snowball, Mandie has a series of adventures, and generally goes around solving minor mysteries. Also along are her father's old Cherokee friend, Uncle Ned, and friends that Mandie meets along the way. Each book more or less leads into the next.
The wording can be simple at times, but the stories are good, and the characters are wonderful. Each book is short for someone used to reading normal-length novels, and they're a great thing to read in between more difficult books.
Review: I have loved this series for a long time, so I would certainly recommend it to others.