[Percy Jackson: Drabble] "Caterpillar" [G]

Jan 07, 2013 03:19

Title: Caterpillar
Prompt: writerverse challenge #4 ‘table of doom’ #4 ‘butterflies
Word Count: 105
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Percy Jackson (original character)
Pairings: none
Summary: “You’re a demi-god,” Annabeth told him, bluntly.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_bookclub


Motýl Evans had always been a daydreamer. Kind of runty, too. Not enough that he’d been bullied (much) but enough that when his math teacher turned into a bat-winged monster, he was more than happy to go with the blonde girl who’d shown up to disintegrate him/it.

“You’re a demi-god,” Annabeth told him, bluntly. Which sorta explained why he’d never met his mom. “Son of a god or goddess. They should claim you soon, now.”

‘Soon’ was the campfire on his first night at Camp Half-Blood, when a glowing purple butterfly appeared above his head.

Chiron, the centaur councilor, smiled. “Welcome, Motýl, son of Psyche.”


Current Mood:


drabble, percy jackson and the olympians, writerverse

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