[Stargate: Drabble] "Anymore" [Sam/Jack, PG]

Nov 08, 2011 05:38

Title: Anymore
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Prompt: cheering-up present for jennickels, who asked for angst (not my usual fare, so I hope I succeeded)
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
Pairing(s): Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill
Setting: tag to "Beneath the Surface"
Summary: He wasn't allowed to touch her anymore.


Sam turned away, and Jack's fingers itched to reach after her in the split second before he remembered he wasn't allowed to touch her anymore.

Jonah could have touched her. He had, holding her warm against his side, feeling Sam's skin beneath his fingers- No, not Sam. She'd been Thera, then.

Thera had simply been another worker, another cog in the machine- a brighter and shiner cog than Jonah, of course- and there had been no reason they couldn't be together.

It had been so easy to be Jonah, not to be responsible for anything but his work and Thera. And he had felt responsible for her, from the moment they met. Now, he could see that it was his original memories surfacing, but then, it had been pure instinct drawing him to her. Thera could take care of herself, but he'd always felt the need to protect her- not from anything she couldn't handle, but from things she shouldn't have to.

Jonah hadn't known why, but Jack did. Jack knew exactly why he wanted to be near Sam, why he... felt feelings for her. And exactly why he shouldn't.

As Jonah, he'd been the perfect choice for her. He was a good worker, and not too bad-looking (if he did say so himself). As Jack, he had nothing to offer her. Less than nothing, because if either of them ever crossed that line, it would be her career on the line and he would not let her risk that.

Which meant, at the moment, letting Sam walk out of the briefing room without saying anything more, without going after her, without touching.

Jack waited for several long moments, then headed for the other corridor.

He wasn't allowed to touch her anymore.

But, at least, he could remember being Jonah.


Current Mood:


gift, drabble, stargate, sam/jack

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