July, 2024

Aug 07, 2024 16:51

Things at Home: 3 humans, 1 cat. All is well. Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday messages :) I had a good day - I took the day off work and went to our local used book store (where you get half off for your birthday), then came home for a yummy Earl Grey tea cake, followed by Chinese for dinner. I had taken the next day off, too, and slept in. Then, we had to get packed for the Big Family Reunion (more on that next month).

Things at Work: still the same. My 2nd shift partner, MK, came back the day before I left for my week off for the reunion, so hopefully she didn’t overdo it and will still be there when I go back in.

Things Read:
Bone Spindle 02 The Severed Thread (Leslie Vedder, 2023)
Currently Reading:
Warlock Holmes 02 A Study in Brimstone (G.S. Denning, 2016)

Things Watched:
Murderous Minds: H.H. Holmes (2020)
*Independence Day (1996)
*1776 (1972)
*for the 4th of July
Crown for Christmas (2015)
Marry Me in Yosemite (2022)
Love at Zion National Park (2023)
Galaxy Quest (1999)
1904 St. Louis World’s Fair (?? Documentary)
Murder by the Numbers: Season 1 (2017)
**Apollo 11 (2019)
**for the anniversary of the Moon Landing
Royal Hearts (2018)
Murder by the Numbers: Season 2 (2018)
The Case: Season 1 (2018, true crime)
Currently Watching:
The Case: Season 2 (2019, true crime)
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 6 (1992 - 1993)
Star Trek Prodigy: Season 1 (2021 - 2022)
Doctor Who: Season 1 (3rd) (2023 - 2024)

Audio Things:
Aircrew: The Story of the Men Who Flew the Bombers (Bruce Lewis, 1991 - audiobook)
Alexander the Great Song (Horrible Histories)
All About This Base (Florence Nightingale Song) (Horrible Histories)
Allotted Time (podfic of my fic - Star Trek Voyager)
The Anglo-Saxon Report (Horrible Histories)
Currently Listening To:
Apocrypals (podcast, secular Bible analysis - episodes 7 & 8)

Current Mood:


2024, journal

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