[Psych] "Note to Self" [G]

Apr 28, 2024 04:39

Title: Note to Self
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 22 challenge 31 prompt 02 fish tacos & prompt 05 where did you hide the gold? (bonus - diary / log entry)
Word Count: 378
Rating: G
Fandom: Psych
Pairing(s): implied Shawn Spencer/Juliet O’Hara
Character(s): Shawn Spencer
Summary: I am forced to record my own notes to self myself.

Note to Self

Note to self.

Gus refuses to remember my notes to self, so I am forced to record my own notes to self myself. Some best friend.

Note to self.

Because Gus is a spoilsport, I’m not gonna tell him about this new case, or the new food cart I found that sells fish tacos. And not those stupid sushi-and-mango hipster fish tacos, no, these are deep-fried fish-and-chips greasy golden deliciousness.

Also, the case is about stolen gold.

Note to self.

Am disappointed to learn that no one makes gold deblunes anymore. Stolen gold is in the typical boring ‘bar’ format, not even kept in a treasure chest. Money is wasted on the rich.

Note to self.

Is crime a thing you can get points for? If it is, these guys just lost themselves about a thousand - they didn’t check my pockets before they locked me in the storage closet. I could have all kinds of stuff on me to bust right out of here.


All I have is my phone. The voice recorder works, but the actual telephone part, not so much. But, hey, I know who did it! And Gus and Jules are probably looking for me right now.

Note to self.

I am going to die in a tiny windowless room. I’ve tried calling Gus and Jules - even Lassie and my dad - but I don’t think the signal is getting through.

Jules, if you find this, I love you.

Gus… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the fish tacos.

Note to self.

I’m not sorry I didn’t tell Gus about the tacos. They solved the case without me! It was mostly Juliet and Lassie doing boring basic police work that is, admittedly, the way the majority of boring basic cases are solved. But still!

Note to self.

Gus and Jules are off the hook. Juliet told me that they had caught the bad guys but hadn’t found the gold. But I did! Not that it was that exciting - I did my best with the dramatic reveal, but they had just stacked the gold bars in a closet. But we passed the food cart on the way home, and Gus sprang for fish tacos.

Note to self.

Learn how to retrieve the notes to self.


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psych, fanfiction, writerverse

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