[MCU] "Safety of Shoreline" [Clint/Coulson, G]

Apr 16, 2024 04:16

Title: Safety of Shoreline
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 22 challenge 01 prompt 08 “You've got a journey to make / There's your horizon to chase / So go far beyond where we stand / No matter the distance, I'm holding your hand” (“Harbor”, Vienna Teng)
Word Count: 368
Rating: G
Fandom: MCU / post-Avengers movie AU-ish)
Pairing(s): Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Summary: Clint comes back from a mission and knows where to go.

Safety of Shoreline

“You are the most beautiful thing I’ve seen today,” said Clint, slouching in Phil’s office doorway.

Phil looked up from his paperwork. “I find that hard to believe - you were on a mission with Natasha.”

“Sure, she’s pretty, but she doesn’t make me feel all tingly like you do, sir.”

“That just might be the bruises,” said Phil. Clint’s eye was purple but not swollen, and there was a series of more bruises and shallow cuts down his bare arms. “Have you been Medical?”

“Yes,” said Clint, “and they cleared me. Apparently, the bruises aren’t as bad as the fact that I haven’t slept in three days.”

Phil frowned. “You could have just texted that you were back safe and gone straight home.”

“Nah, I figured I’d just get some sleep here.”

“I’m sure you’d sleep better in a real bed,” said Phil.

“I’ll sleep better wherever you are,” Clint told him, and Phil smiled.

He pushed his paperwork aside and came around the desk. “I wish I could take the afternoon off and take you home,” he said. “But I have some very important calls to make.”

“That’s what you get for being the big shiny director,” teased Clint, catching the lapels of Phil’s suit jacket. “Is it anything classified?”

“Nothing above your clearance.”

“It’ll help me sleep if I can hear your voice. And your couch is pretty comfy.”


“Plus, if I get some rest now, I’ll have enough energy for you to give me a real welcome home later.”

Phil laughed and kissed him. “Okay, fine. But no snoring.”

“No promises,” said Clint.

Phil kissed him again, then pushed him gently toward the couch. He flicked off the lights, leaving only the circle of illumination from his desk lamp. When he turned back around, Clint was already sprawled on the couch, plumping the throw pillow shaped like Captain America’s shield and wriggling to get comfortable. Phil shrugged out of his suit jacket and laid it over his husband, then leaned in for another brief kiss.

“Sure you’re okay?”

Clint smiled. “This is perfect.”

“Okay,” said Phil. “Sleep well.”

“I will now,” Clint murmured, as Phil went back to his desk.

And he did snore.


Current Mood:

need coffee

clint/coulson, fanfiction, mcu, writerverse

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