[NCIS] "Lost & Found" [G]

Mar 18, 2024 02:37

Title: Lost & Found
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: ncisdrabble100 challenge 882 ‘lose’
Character(s): Jess Knight, Nick Torres, Alden Parker, Tim McGee, Kasie Hines
Summary: “Have you seen my pen?”

Lost & Found

“Have you seen my pen?” asked Knight. When Torres pointed at the cup of them on her desk, she scowled. “No, I had a good one, and now I can’t find it.”

“It’s just that kind of day,” said Parker, distractedly. “I can’t find that list I printed out earlier.”

“Can’t lose it if it’s digital,” put in McGee, just as his tablet gave an angry beep and went dead. “…unless you’ve lost your charger.”

The back elevator announced Kasie, holding a box. “You guys are a bunch of litterbugs, leaving your junk in my lab…”

Knight grinned. “My pen!”


Current Mood:


ncisdrabble100, fanfiction, ncis

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