[Stargate: Drabble] "Saying Different Things" [G]

Dec 14, 2023 04:15

Title: Saying Different Things
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24 challenge 40 prompt 25 “And I’ll shout and I’ll scream/ But I’d rather not be seen” (“In the Waiting Line” by Zero 7)
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character(s): Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay
Summary: “I notice there’s no mutinous muttering when you yell at them.”

Saying Different Things

“…and you will do it properly!” shouted Radek.

The lab was silent for a moment, then the scientists all hurried off to complete their assignments.

“I notice there’s no mutinous muttering when you yell at them,” complained Rodney.

Radek smiled, “It is much more effective when only used sparingly.”

“Hmff,” said Rodney, rather than admit that he was right.

“Do not worry,” he continued, “They are still more scared of you than of me.”

“As well they should be.”

“I have no wish to be the bad cop.”

“Good,” snapped Rodney, but Radek heard the compliment he couldn’t quite say.


Current Mood:

need coffee

drabble, stargate atlantis, writerverse

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