Title: Weasley Is Her King
Author: Ami Ven
writerverse phase 24 challenge 40 prompt 21 King Arthur
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley
Summary: “What’s this?”
Weasley Is Her King
“What’s this?” Arthur asked, running a thumb across the badge pinned to Molly’s apron.
She grinned. “Hermione sent it. Apparently, the Gryffindors are all wearing them to support Ron in his Quidditch matches.”
“Still winning, are they? It was sweet of her to send it along - and sweet of you for supporting him, too. Is there one for me?”
“Silly man,” Molly laughed, “I’m proud of Ron, of course, but he’s not the Weasley I was trying to support.”
Arthur’s smile was fond. “Am I your king, Mollywobbles?”
“Always,” she replied, and pulled him in for a long, deep kiss.
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