Title: Inauguration
Author: Ami Ven
writerverse phase 24 challenge 40 prompt 18 time will tell
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Fandom: American Girl
Character(s): Felicity Merriman, Elizabeth Cole
Summary: “When I laugh with you, I feel like we’re ten years old again, instead of the old women we’ve become.”
“Miss Merriman,” said Elizabeth, solemnly.
“Miss Cole,” replied Felicity, but couldn’t keep a straight face - their childhood greeting seemed sillier with each passing year of their marriages.
Elizabeth smiled back, crinkling the fine lines beside her eyes. “I’m not sure I would remember being that girl anymore, if it wasn’t for my friendship with you.”
“Aye,” Felicity agreed. “When I laugh with you, I feel like we’re ten years old again, instead of the old women we’ve become.”
“Old enough to see thirteen presidents.”
“And you thought the United States wouldn’t last.”
Elizabeth laughed. “I’m happy to be proven wrong.”
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