[NCIS: Drabble] "Trouble Brewing" [G]

Sep 25, 2023 04:14

Title: Trouble Brewing
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: ncisdrabble100 challenge 859 ‘brewing’
Character(s): Jethro Gibbs, Ducky Mallard
Summary: “I’m starting to feel old.”

Trouble Brewing

“I’m starting to feel old, Duck,” said Gibbs.

“I’m afraid we are, by comparison,” Ducky laughed. “Still, I’m very glad that no one was poisoning all those young chaps.”

Gibbs snorted, “No, they were poisoning themselves. Now, I think it’s damn stupid that a kid can sign up to die and kill for his country but can’t buy himself a beer, but I was kinda hoping they were smart enough to make their own correctly.”

“Age and wisdom, Jethro,” he said, then frowned, “Though, it is a little worrying they managed to make such strong alcohol instead of beer.”



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ncisdrabble100, drabble, ncis

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