[Firefly: Drabble] "Painting Peace" [G]

Jul 10, 2023 02:33

Title: Painting Peace
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 40, prompt 61 Serenity (2005)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Fandom: Firefly (post movie)
Character(s): Inara Serra, Serenity
Summary: She knew a woman needed to look her best.

Painting Peace

Inara smoothed her brush along Serenity’s hull, carefully keeping within the border of the English letters she’d outlined earlier.

Living inside a spaceship, she hadn’t spent much time contemplating the outside of it before. The metal was warm from the sun, pitted and marked even after it had been washed. Her brush made a soft shushing sound, that began to settle something in Inara’s soul.

She might no longer be a Companion, but she still had her training. She knew a woman - human or spaceship - needed to look her best.

Inara dipped her brush again and continued painting, at peace.


Current Mood:


drabble, writerverse, firefly

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