[Indiana Jones: Drabble] "Getting Comfortable" [G]

Jul 02, 2023 02:49

Title: Getting Comfortable
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 40, prompt 58 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Fandom: Indiana Jones (immediately post-Last Crusade)
Character(s): Indiana Jones, Henry Jones Sr.
Summary: “Perhaps this would be more comfortable?”

Getting Comfortable

Indy jerked awake as the train jolted, sitting up quickly as he realized he’d been leaning against his father’s shoulder.


Henry smiled. “Actually, I was rather enjoying it.”

“What, being drooled on?”

“Spending time with my son. We lost so much time, being… being stubborn idiots.”

His son snorted. “Yeah, well, we have time now, apparently.”

Henry touched his stomach, where a gunshot wound had vanished. “Apparently,” he agreed, then, “Perhaps this would be more comfortable?”

Indy hesitated, then moved under his father’s arm. “It was kind of nice,” he admitted, on a yawn. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Sleep well, Junior.”


Current Mood:


drabble, indiana jones, writerverse

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