[Stargate: Drabble] "Dragged Into" [SG-22, G]

Jun 05, 2023 04:17

Title: Dragged Into
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 22, challenge 06 in disguise
Word Count: 443
Rating: G
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “This is, like, the third time Levi’s had to dress up like a girl.”

Dragged Into

“Okay,” said Gryff, taking a step back. “Try your helmet.”

Toby reached for the hidden control in the collar of his stolen Jaffa armor, activating the serpent-shaped helmet then retracting it again.

“All set,” he said. “Now you.”

Levi appeared beside them. “I’ve got it.”

He held out a bundle of white cloth, the floor-length sleeveless dress of a Jaffa priestess identical to the one Levi already wore. Gryff shrugged out of her tac vest, then peeled off her t-shirt - it would have shown under the dress and her team had seen worse than their CO’s sports bra - and allowed Levi to wrangle the cloth over her head.

“Like looking in a mirror,” he joked, reaching for the box of jewelry that went with their disguises.

“Hey, sir,” said Jason, still shifting his own Jaffa armor to find a more comfortable fit. “Couldn’t we have found something besides that dress? This is, like, the third time Lee’s had to dress up like a girl.”

“It’s the fifth time,” said Levi. “And it’s fine, Jase. I’ll do better in this getup than in that armor.”

“You’re sure?”

The sociologist smiled. “I’m secure enough in my manhood for this.”

“I never doubted it,” laughed Toby. “And you definitely look better in it than we would.”

“You look better in it than I do,” added Gryff. She handed Toby her tac vest. “Find something we can wrap this up in, take it with us. I’m going to work on some fake tattoos.”

By the time she had used an eyebrow pencil to draw the symbol of the Goa’uld Mafdet, Levi had bundled each of their tac vests into a package of rich fabric that wouldn’t look odd for two priestesses to carry.

“Actually,” he said, “from what I’ve learned about Jaffa culture, I’m definitely the most qualified to dress like this. Jaffa women are generally barred from being warriors, and the Goa’uld’s human slaves are uneducated, if not forbidden to learn, so most of the scholarly writings and histories are kept by Jaffa women. And I read and speak Goa’uld the best out of all of us.”

“That’s very true,” agreed Gryff. “If we get stopped, we’ll let you do all the talking.”

Levi’s eyes widened. “We won’t get stopped, will we?”

Jason clapped him on the shoulder. “Probably not. But, you know, I think that this is the first time we’ve ever broken into a naquadah mine.”

“I think you’re right,” said Toby.

Gryff grinned and raised the hood of her cloak, shadowing her face. “Let’s go.”

Levi adjusted his own cloak and handed her one of the tac vest packages. “I’m right beside you.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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