[Supernatural: Drabble] "Human Families" [G]

Jun 05, 2023 02:57

Title: Human Families
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 22, challenge 05, prompt 01 cherry red & 02 my two dads
Word Count: 523
Rating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing(s): very implied Castiel/Dean Winchester (or not, up to you)
Character(s): Jack Kline, Sam Winchester
Setting: vague Season 14 (but that’s not important)
Summary: “Now, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Human Families

“Here you go,” said Sam, handing Jack his cup of water ice, then settling beside him on the hood of the Impala. “Now, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Being human,” said Jack. He’d only eaten a few bites, but his tongue was already stained red from the cherry syrup. “My purpose in life.”

Sam smiled. “Sorry, kiddo, most humans never understand that. And most of the ones that think they do are probably wrong.”

“Oh. That’s actually reassuring. So much of being human seems to involve not knowing things.”

“That’s true,” Sam agreed. “See? You fit right in.”

“I think I do,” said Jack, around another bite of water ice. He was quiet for a moment, then said, “I’ve been reading about different kinds of human families.”

“Oh?” said Sam.

“Many regard blood as the strongest connection, but others insist that a family is simply a group of people who love each other, related or not.”

“And what do you think?” Sam asked.

Jack paused, considering. “I think love is the most important,” he said. “Lucifer is my father by blood - metaphorically speaking, of course, angels do not have blood in their true forms - but I don’t feel anything for him. But even before I was born, I could feel how much Castiel cared for me, and that’s why I chose him to be my real father.”

“In a way, he’s also your uncle,” Sam pointed out. “If all the angels are brothers and sisters. You must have read about families like that, too - a lot of kids go to live with other relatives if something happens to their parents.”

Jack nodded. “I do have a greater connection with Castiel because of our grace. When I still had my powers, Castiel was the one who taught me how to use them, how to be like an angel. And Dean has taught me a lot about being a human. You have, as well,” he added quickly, “but…”

“You like to think of Dean and Cas as your parents,” Sam finished. “Hey, I understand. I mean, Dean practically raised me, so I know how good he is at it. But I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought of taking the job myself. Especially early on, when Cas was gone and Dean was, um…”

“Convinced I was evil and planning to kill me?” Jack said, easily.

Sam choked on a spoonful of water ice. “Yeah,” he croaked. “That.”

“Dean still feels guilty for that,” said Jack. “But I don’t blame him. If I had been like Lucifer, it would have been the right thing to do.”


“It’s okay, Sam, really. And if I hadn’t been able to help Castiel come back, I think you would have made a wonderful father.”

“Thanks,” said Sam. Then, he added, “You know, most families on TV have a cool uncle who always helps the kids get out of trouble or lets them do things their parents don’t. Or just talks to them about anything.”

Jack grinned. “You’re the coolest uncle, Sam.”

“Yeah? Well, then, when we finish our snack, you can drive home.”


Current Mood:

need coffee

supernatural, drabble, writerverse

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